UNITED is a dynamic student ministry that provides direction, fun, fellowship, spiritual growth, and outreach!

There is an underestimated impact made by the mold young people form, by the habits they choose, the friends they make, and the places they go in their teenage years. It is the goal of UNITED  Youth ministries to assist young people in constructing that mold around Christ, by teaching the Word of God, creating an environment where friends are positive influences, and teaching the life Christ meant for us live.

UNITED’S goal is to reach out into our community to invite, engage, and unite our generation with Jesus Christ! Through outreach and community service we are endeavoring to bring a youth revival that is unprecedented and we would love to have YOU partnering with us!

If you are a student or parent and have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us unitedyouthfv@gmail.com or at our church number (919) 567-3600.
